[Salon] Netanyahu: Trump the ‘greatest friend’ Israel has ‘ever had’ in the White House - YouTube

A lot of exultation today as Peace is at Hand!
Here is Netanyahu giving credit where it is due: 

Here is more: 

Trump: "Everybody wants peace, . . . and he wants peace also" (pointing to Netanyahu). 

With no less an authority than Alan Dershowitz in agreement! 

I'm not saying anything critical of this, mind you, noting this has been in the works since 1/20/17 (listen to Netanyahu), interrupted for 4 years, and now nearly complete. And I know many "peace activists/non-interventionists" who proclaimed POTUS as the best, and only, hope for "Peace in the Mideast," as  the most Islamophobic, pro-Netanyahu fanatics, like Kash Patel, Tulsi Gabbard, Pete Hegseth, et al., were collected together as the Cabinet! And they were right! 

This makes clear why the entire right-wing, from libertarians to far-right National Conservative Kahanists (New Right), and everything in between, mobilized to elect this administration on that basis: Peace!   🙄

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